Selenium Training

Hari Cornucopia Tech Private Limited offers a comprehensive Selenium training course designed to equip participants with the skills and knowledge required to become proficient in automated testing using Selenium WebDriver. Selenium is a popular open-source tool used for automating web browsers, making it an essential skill for software testers and developers involved in web application testing.

Participants will be introduced to the basics of R programming, including its history, features, and applications. They will learn how to install R and RStudio, the popular integrated development environment (IDE) for R, and navigate the RStudio interface.

   Participants will learn how to set up the Selenium environment on their local machines, including installing necessary dependencies and configuring web browsers for Selenium testing.

   Participants will learn about different types of locators (such as ID, class name, name, XPath, and CSS selectors) used to identify web elements on a web page. They will understand how to use locators to interact with web elements using Selenium WebDriver.

Participants will learn about various WebDriver commands provided by Selenium for interacting with web elements, such as click(), sendKeys(), getText(), submit(), and navigate(). They will understand how to perform actions such as clicking buttons, entering text, submitting forms, and navigating between pages.

   Participants will learn how to work with frames and windows in web applications using Selenium. They will understand how to switch between frames and windows, interact with elements inside frames, and handle pop-up windows and alerts.


Participants will learn how to automate testing of forms and tables in web applications using Selenium. They will understand how to fill out forms, verify form submissions, extract data from tables, and perform data-driven testing using Selenium WebDriver.

Participants will learn about the Page Object Model (POM) design pattern and how to implement it in Selenium tests. They will understand the benefits of POM for organizing test code, improving maintainability, and enhancing test reusability.

   Participants will learn how to integrate Selenium tests with the TestNG testing framework for enhanced test management, reporting, and execution. They will understand how to write test cases, define test suites, and generate test reports using TestNG annotations and features.


    Participants will learn how to execute Selenium tests in different environments (such as local machines, remote servers, and cloud platforms) and generate test reports using Selenium WebDriver APIs and third-party reporting tools.

    Depending on the course level, participants may explore advanced topics such as spatial data analysis, Bayesian statistics, geospatial analysis, and parallel computing in R.


By the end of the R programming training course, participants will have the knowledge and skills to effectively use R for data analysis, statistical modeling, machine learning, and more, making them valuable assets in the field of data science and analytics.

    Participants will learn about the Standard Template Library (STL) in C++, including containers (vector, list, deque, map, set), algorithms (sorting, searching, manipulation), and iterators. They will understand how to use STL containers and algorithms to write efficient code.

    Participants will learn how to handle exceptions in C++ using try-catch blocks, throw, and catch keywords. They will understand exception propagation, catching multiple exceptions, and best practices for exception handling in C++ programs.


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Refund Policy

At Hari Cornucopia Tech Private Limited, we prioritize customer satisfaction. Therefore, we offer a refund policy to ensure that participants have peace of mind when enrolling in our courses. If a participant is dissatisfied after the first class, they are eligible for a refund. However, once they attend the second class, the refund policy becomes void.